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AVPA comments on the EU Digital Services Act

The global trade body representing suppliers of age verification and age estimation technology solutions, has submitted a response to the European Commission’s call for evidence on implementing the Digital Services Act, particuarly in respect to minors. The AVPA...

Virtual Private Networks

We often hear the argument that age verification is pointless because “Kids will just use VPNs”.  That’s not a valid argument, given how the relevant laws are drafted, and indeed, may lead adult sites into a false sense of security if they think the...
Appeals court reinstates Texas AV law for adult content

Appeals court reinstates Texas AV law for adult content

In a move no-one expected, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeal has stepped in an overturned the injunction which stayed the implementation of Texas Bill HB1181, requiring age verification and health warnings for pornography. There is no detail, and a full hearing of the...