Current Region:


Method of Age Verification: Government Issued ID

Sectors: Not applicable

Audit Services: Not Applicable

Physical Use Cases:

Age Assurance for Children: Not Applicable

VerifiiD – Digital iD Verification

Join VerifiiD Today.

Join VerifiiD today to simplify the way you check your customers proof of age identification.

Our transformational technology is free to use, biometrically secure and gives you anonymous analytics on visiting customers such as age and sex demographics.

What is VerifiiD?

VerifiiD is a free mobile app that allows users to prove their age using their smartphone allowing them to leave their valuable documents at home.

VerifiiD for bars is not only a simpler, quicker, more secure way to Verifi a customer’s age, VerifiiD also gives you the ability to connect direct with potential customers like never before.

Instead of sending out social media posts in the hope of a potential return, you can now tailor measurable advertising campaigns to reach smartphones already in the hands of customers you want in your premises, all in real-time with Zero cost to you if customers don’t interact.

Even better, our easy to use offer builder means you no longer have to employ someone to generate traffic to your bar, whether that be on the street or through social media advertising campaigns. Once an offer is out there, you have access to real-time statistics to see what is working and what isn’t so your effort isn’t focused in the wrong areas.

Next Level Security

To get a user account, individuals must be biometrically matched using the latest in facial technology to their government issued ID.

This is then cryptographically locked into their smartphone so you can be confident they are not using a false account.

Promoted Offers

VerifiiD enables you to connect real-time to users like never before by placing your offers direct into the hands of potential customers who are in your vicinity.

With free analytics to back up results, there’s no more need for immeasurable hit and hope campaigns on social media.

The Death of Fake iD

VerifiiD contains active security measures in the user app so you know if someone is trying to use a fake ID or screenshot.

Your free Companion App we supply will root out these fakes automatically with an instant warning notification, ensuring you do not allow access to potentially underage customers.

…and it’s all free!

Access and use of VerifiiD Apps and CMS are completely free and it we intend for it to remain that way forever.

So when next level security to stop fake ID’s being used in your premises is being offered to you at a cost of £0, what have you got to lose?


Why should i accept VerifiiD to prove my customers ages?

VerifiiD is designed with security at its core. To even obtain a profile, a user must be successfully biometrically matched to a government issued identification. We then use specific algorithms to stop this being faked, copied or altered and pass that high level of security on to you for free through your Companion App. VerifiiD will help you significantly reduce the numbers of fake, borrowed or stolen ID’s that are currently used to gain access to your premises. This in turn reduces the risk of an incident to promote the potential loss of your license.

Why should i run offers on the VerifiiD platform?

Having spoken to many venues in the hospitality industry, we know one of the biggest issues they face is how to get their event or offers out to the right customer for minimal cost. Street Teams, Traditional Offer Platforms and Social Media can be very hit and miss depending on differing conditions but this is where VerifiiD is uniquely different. We offer you the ability to put your offer direct into the hand of a user in your locality giving you complete control control over your targeted spend and 100% accurate, measurable results to ensure you spend money only in the areas that are bringing you successful results.

How can i Register as a bar/club owner?

Registration to use the VerifiiD platform is quick, easy and exclusive to those who hold a licence to sell alcohol. Simply click on the Register Your Interest button, fill in your details and we’ll enrol you into the onboarding process. Once you are fully onboarded, you can instantly start “Verifiing” customers ages and create offers for users on the platform.