Current Region:

Age verification information for  clients and regulators

In this section of our website, you can review the services provided by our members, and read more detail about each on their dedicated page, where you will also find contact information.

We also set out for regulators how we think age assurance can best be structured and delivered to make compliance efficient and widely achieved.

We also welcome general enquiries if you are not yet at the point where you are ready to select between providers.

Age verification is designed to protect children from inappropriate content, or from buying goods or services, which are subject to age-restrictions.

By ensuring age checks are conducted by a member of the Age Verification Providers Association, organisations are assured that they are complying with the appropriate standards of age verification to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Our aim is to create a common language and understanding between clients, providers and regulators about age assurance so the rules can be set, and solutions can be procured which meet the requirements of those rules.  We acheive this primarily through the use of international standards, and co-regulation by which we mean the audit and certification of solutions to those standards.



“The Home Office advises that anyone selling alcohol online or by phone should already be taking all reasonable steps to verify age at the point of sale in order to avoid committing an offence of selling alcohol to a child.  PAS 1296 is a good point of reference for these steps.”
Home Office, May 2020

Setting the global standard for rigorous online age verification

All full AVPA Members are required to sign up to a Code of Conduct which addresses key requirements regulators should wish to see from suppliers of online age verification services:

Fairness and transparency

Use of appropriate verification methods

Security and privacy

