Current Region:

Age Verify UK

Method of Age Verification: Government Issued ID, Credit Reference / Report, Facial Age Estimation

Sectors: Dating, Adult Content (viewers), Alcohol, Vaping, Gambling & Betting, Computer Gaming, e-Commerce Plugins


Audit Services: Not Applicable

Physical Use Cases: Not Applicable

Age Assurance for Children: Not Applicable

Age Verify UK aims to verify whether individuals purchasing age-restricted goods online are above the age of 18. We verify age via data matching, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Biometric scanning. Regarding data matching, we assess customer information against 120 million UK person address data points. Notably, we can ensure that users of Age Verify UK only need to verify products that are age-restricted. Moreover, Age Verify UK clients only need to verify their customers once. Currently, we offer a five-tiered price matrix, grating accessibility to customers with a range of age-checking requirements. Our current target sectors include vaping & tobacco, gambling/betting & gaming, alcohol, retail and power tool sales. In turn, we aim to target sectors that sell items which may be construed as offensive weapons.